• A shared workforce development plan for CLD practitioners

    This plan has been put together to improve the co-ordination of workforce development opportunities at national and regional level in community learning and development (CLD) across Scotland. The plan aims to support CLD practitioners by identifying some key priorities and improving their awareness of and access to training and development opportunities around these priorities.

    The organisations who developed it (including the CLD Standards Council, CLDMS, YouthLink Scotland, Learning Link Scotland, Education Scotland, CLD regional Workforce development networks) are not aiming to cover all the training and development that goes on in the sector but rather to focus on some shared priorities and by doing so try to improve co-ordination, access and coverage.

    The plan mainly focusses on national and regional activity but will be helpful to those looking at professional development at a more local level too. It was informed by mapping and research carried out by partners in 2017.

    The outcomes in the plan for 2018-19 are not intended to be prescriptive and we hope that the plan will be a living document that will continue to be develop. The working group will continue to meet to review the implementation and evaluate the impact of the plan and determine how it could develop in 2019-20 and beyond.