• Tayside and Fife PLA 12-16 Feb 2024

    Tayside and Fife Professional Learning Alliance - CLD Winter Learning Festival 2023 - 24



    Workshop Description

    Image of online presentation

    Click on the image above to view a recording of this presentation. 

    Theory into Practice: Social Justice


    Karen McArdle & Sue Briggs

     Key contact:


    Has social justice become a safe term for community workers by being elided and equated in practice with inclusion and equality? If we are to empower participants, we need to see social justice as more than just working with disadvantaged people.  Society needs to change too. How can we do this?  The session will include a brief introduction of key ideas linked to social justice, including Neoliberalism, followed by discussion/activities concerning how we can usefully contribute to social change.

    Video coming soon...

    Loneliness and Isolation – An Introduction


    Alan Mackie

    Key contact:


    This workshop will provide an introduction to the ‘epidemic’ of loneliness and what this might mean for CLD. During this session staff will develop:

    1. An understanding of loneliness and isolation

    2. An understanding of the impact of these on people and wider society

    3. Space to reflect on what this might mean for our own practice

    Video coming soon...

    Exploring Academic Research in CLD


    Vicky Wilson & Ross Martin

    Key contact:


    This workshop will explore the academic research findings of MSc studies completed by Vicky Wilson, Fife Council, and Ross Martin, CLD Standards Council.

    ·         Vicky’s input will outline her research topic of ‘young practitioners motivation towards further study, to further their CLD Career’.

    ·         Ross’ will discuss his study area of ‘how to best support CLD career progression in a local authority context’.

    Image of online presentation

    Click on the image above to view a recording of this presentation.  

    Transforming Lives Through Learning


    Bryan Mackay & Anne Kain

    Key contact:


    Aberdeen Foyer is a charity that helps people in Northeast Scotland achieve independent living, learning and work. In partnership with Northeast Scotland college the work with over 350 hard to reach learners each year, providing them with qualifications, health & wellbeing activities and opportunities to become more involved in their local community to help them flourish, move towards further training/education or into and sustain employment.  You will also hear from learners, who will share their experiences and answer the question: ‘What did your coach do to understand you?


    Improving Digital Practice within Community Learning and Development (CLD) | Resources | Education Scotland

    Dundee's Digital CLD Strategy

    Doing Digital CLD 


    Sue Holland-Smith

    & Jamie Dungavel

    Key contact:


    Discussing digital inclusion, online learning options, digital skills of learners and practitioners and more.


    Come along to hear about the journey in Dundee towards an inclusive digital strategy for CLD.   At a national level, find out about the brand new Digital CLD framework for practitioners created by Education Scotland with CLD practitioners and discuss how you might use it.