Free CPD training on Youth Problem Gambling

Free CPD training on Youth Problem Gambling

by Lorna Renton -
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The Youth Problem Gambling Initiative, which offers free practitioners’ CPD and upskilling sessions across Scotland on the topic of youth gambling and problem gambling, have announced 4 more dates for the Youth Problem Gambling Training:

- Perth, Nov 24th, 1.30pm-5pm

- Kilmarnock, Nov 29th, 1.30pm-5pm

- Edinburgh, Dec 13th, 9.30am-1pm

- Glasgow, Dec 14th, 1.30pm-5pm

To sign up just follow the link of your chosen date: all participants will receive a copy of the Youth Problem Gambling Toolkit. This is a new manual, packed with information and resources they can use when addressing the topic of gambling and youth problem gambling with pupils.

So far this year, 162 practitioners across Scotland have been trained, including youth workers, CLD workers, teachers and other practitioners who work with young people to promote their health and well-being (e.g. support workers and NHS health improvement officers).

The training aims to support participants in:

  • better understand what problem gambling is, its consequences and its relationship with other risk-taking behaviours;
  • further develop their skills to address this topic with young people, so as to prevent the onset of ‘at-risk’ gambling behaviour
  • strengthen their confidence in providing support around this issue;
  • find information on help available and specialised services.

Also, we are now offering twilight sessions of our Youth Problem Gambling Training for secondary teachers. If this is something that could be of interest for the high school staff in your area, please don’t hesitate to contact to arrange a bespoke CPD session.

Problem gambling is not a new phenomenon. However, it is a hidden addiction and it often goes unrecognized. To read more about problem gambling and the Youth Problem Gambling Initiative, check out our article on the Youthlink Scotland blog:

Please contact Chiara Marin if you have any question and feel free to share this with your colleagues and networks, thank you.