• What is Community Learning and Development?

    In January 2004 the Scottish Executive published guidance for Community Planning Partnerships which set out a framework for the promotion and development of community learning and development (CLD). Within that document there is a definition of CLD which is widely accepted by all major stakeholders in Scotland:

    "Community learning and development (CLD) is learning and social development work with individuals and groups in their communities using a range of formal and informal methods.

    "A common defining feature is that programmes and activities are developed in dialogue with communities and participants...[CLD's] main aim is to help individuals and communities tackle real issues in their lives through community action and community-based learning."

    Working and Learning Together (2004)

    To meet these challenges, the CLD Standards Council for Scotland have provided for guidance a set of Values and Principles:

    • Self-determination ensures respect for the individual and values the right of people to make their own choice.

    • Inclusion values equality of both opportunity and outcomes, and challenges discriminatory practice.

    • Empowerment increases the ability of individuals and groups to influence issues that affect them and their communities through individual and collective action.

    • Working collaboratively maximises relationships between many agencies, participants, learners and communities.

    • Promotion of learning as a lifelong activity ensures that individuals are aware of, and can access, a range of relevant learning opportunities at any stage of their life.

    In addition the Standards Council for Scotland has produced a Code of Ethics.