This section takes an in-depth look at how practitioners in the CLD sector can motivate and lead those around them effectively. A range of videos, articles, prezis and other tools will give you insights and examples into how you can inform your own practice in relation to those you wish to lead.
At Youth Scotland we take CPD very seriously. In the 968 affiliated youth groups and clubs we support, which are located in settings ranging from small villages to large urban areas, there is a strong emphasis on volunteering as an entry route into employment.
A film by the Mearns Youth Forum which aims to give insight into the process from the perspective of the young people, CLD staff and their partners involved in the consultation.
In 2010 Perth and Kinross Council’s Education and Children’s Services wanted to improve its planning and evaluation processes within its CLD teams. In the video, Tricia Illsley, Communities, Adult and Family Learning Manager, and Janet Weir, CLD worker in Adult Learning talk about the importance of planning and evaluation in their work and describe how The LEAP Game works.
CLD Coaching Approaches Resources.
The Coaching Approach Development Programme came out of a joint CPD proposal to Education Scotland, which had four inter-linked strands: developing learning cultures, developing leadership capacity, supporting the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence, empowering communities.
These material relate to the Coaching Approaches in CLD programme, initially delivered by a CPD Partnership involving Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth and Kinross Councils. These authorities are now working in Partnership with Education Scotland and Acorn Principle Plus to make this learning more widely available using a peer tutoring approach.. They form part of a CPD opportunity which included delivery days, practice periods and self-study.
If you wish further information relating to the full content contact Graham Hewitson, Principal Officer (Community Learning and Development).
Dr. Carol Craig, Chief Executive at The Centre for Confidence and Well-being speaks in a series of video pieces about the issues surrounding self-esteem, reslience, materialism and young people.