This section is intended for organisations deploying CLD volunteers whether in the public or third sector. Helpful information about supporting volunteers generally is available from Volunteer Scotland and from your local Third Sector Interface Organisation(s). If you are not familiar with your local TSI and what they do, the leaflet below gives some information about what they do and how to get in touch. This section includes both general guidance on deploying volunteers contributed by these organisations and information and guidance specific to CLD volunteers contributed by colleagues across the sector. By sharing the practice and experience of organisations currently deploying volunteers, we can all develop and improve our support for CLD volunteers. Please contribute yours too!
If taking on CLD volunteers is new to your organisation, you can draw on that vast experience using the information contained below as a helpful guide to getting started.
This section provides guidance on what to include in your policy and some sample policies.
This includes sample role descriptions, references requests and application forms, where to get up to date information on PVG requirements.
How to have a good volunteer induction
Regular support from a named support person, pro forma for support and reflection on practice, good practice guidance on supporting your volunteers and becoming Volunteer Friendly.
Covering applying the ‘Growing the learning culture in CLD’ strategy and framework, making the most of i-develop, creating a matrix of professional learning opportunities by Region and creating a pathway to degree qualifications.
The role of volunteers in collecting evidence to evaluate impact, including for HMIe, one off celebrations and ongoing recognition of volunteers’ contribution.
This resource has been developed by Volunteer Edinburgh with support from partners, to give volunteer managers access to high quality, reliable and up to date information on managing volunteers.