Professional learning and development can be a range of opportunities that relate to a CLD practitioner’s practice.  Below is an illustration and also some examples of how professional learning and development might be progressed.

Four quadrant diagram giving examples of porfessional learning inder categories of Self, Employer, Peer and Using technology

Here are some further examples of professional learning opportunities:

  • Self-evaluation and critical reflection processes
  • Experiential, action or enquiry-based learning
  • Professional dialogue with colleagues, other professionals, and learners
  • Focused professional reading and research
  • Leading or engaging in practitioner enquiry/action research
  • Critical analysis of reading, learning and impact on professional practice
  • Learning about aspects of the CLD or approaches to learning and development
  • Peer support e.g. coaching or mentoring
  • Visits/peer observation
  • Online learning/blogs
  • Work shadowing
  • Co-operative or team working
  • Participation in collaborative activity e.g. communities of practice/learning
  • Leading or participating in a working or task group
  • Planning learning which is inter-professional or cross-sector
  • Participation in activities relating to assessment, moderation and evaluation
  • Secondments, acting posts and placements
  • Formal study and qualifications
  • Accredited courses or activity related to achieving national professional standards for CLD
  • Professional/ Academic conferences

Last modified: Tuesday, 16 April 2019, 5:38 PM