TITLE: An exploration of young practitioners' motivation towards further study to enhance their career prospects in CLD

This work was submitted by Vicky Wilson to University of Dundee in application for the Degree of MSc Community Education in 2023.


This research is building on previous research into how we can attract young people into the career profession of Community Learning and Development (CLD).  The focus for this research centered on motivation for further learning for those who are already currently working in the sector.  

The findings from the research with young employees were discussed around the theories of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the role of CLD practitioners in considering how this can influence career choices.  The research has shown that extrinsic motivations in the form of external influences, such as role models and mentors play a key role in developing young people’s lack of understanding of the professional CLD role.  Despite there being a range of learning pathways within the sector for young people to access along the CLD career route, this requires further work by the professional body CLD Standards Council to continue with the action of minimum levels of availability on a regional basis in Scotland.  More formal structures of support are required to ensure a focus on professional career discussions are taking place with the young workforce as early as possible in their roles.  

The research concludes that modern apprenticeships should be an investment for the sector as a successful steppingstone into a CLD degree and that higher education institutions who deliver the degree consider the work-based delivery of the course.

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Vicky Wilson Dissertation (PDF)

Last modified: Monday, 18 December 2023, 10:59 AM