CLD Standards Council Scotland
Annual Members’ Conference
Wednesday 27 March 2019
Glasgow Hilton, 1 William Street, Glasgow, G3 8HT

9 – 9.30am       REGISTRATION

9.30 – 9.45am       Opening Remarks 

Jim Sweeney M.B.E. Interim Chair, CLD Standards Council Scotland

9.45 – 9.55am      Welcome to Glasgow

Chris Cunningham, Convenor for Education, Skills and Early Years, Glasgow City Council

9.55 – 10.10am    Ministerial keynote

Richard Lochhead, MSP Minister for Further Education, Higher Education, Science and CLD, Scottish Government

10.10 – 10.15am  Thank you and hand over 

10.15 – 10.45am   Leading Change: from communities to countries

Dr Avila Kilmurray

10.45 – 11.00am   COFFEE (grab and go)

11.00 – 11.50pm   WORKSHOP 1

12.00 – 12.50pm   WORKSHOP 2

12:50 – 1:45pm     LUNCH

1:45 – 2:35pm       WORKSHOP 3

2.45 - 3.35pm       WORKSHOP 4

3.35 - 3.50pm      COFFEE (grab and go)

3.50 – 4:15pm      Plenary session

Jim Sweeney,M.B.E. Interim Chair
Dr Marion Allison Director of CLD Standards Council Scotland

Last modified: Tuesday, 12 March 2019, 11:34 AM